Hello, I am
Papiha Joharapurkar a Data and AI Strategist a Masters student and researcher a Biotech enthusiast a bookworm, museum lover, spin class enthusiast, and lifelong learner

Hi there!

My name is Papiha Joharapurkar. From exploring the frontiers of space to enhancing healthcare here on Earth, I'm passionate about using technology to improve health. With a BSc in Health Sciences and now a Master's candidate (focus: Digital Health Technologies), I'm well-equipped to tackle exciting challenges in health to uncover important insights. The future is brimming with possibilities and I'm thrilled to be at the forefront of the biotech revolution..

Currently, I am:

  • Working as a Data and AI Strategy Intern at Sanofi's Digital Data Team (Toronto)
  • Doing my Masters in the Biotechnology program at University of Toronto (in my 2nd year!)
  • Working as a data scientist for the Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiological study to assess impact of modernization on health behaviours
  • Looking for interesting and impactful work/research in health and data science (please reach out!)
